Sunday, November 18, 2012

Rihanna - Diamonds Remix Ft. Kanye West

So here we go, the first official post for To keep this short and simple, I go by TheDean and I created CollegeVolume for the soul purpose of sharing music. Music is my life, and I hope you enjoy what you find here. Now on to the music...

Rihanna has been in the lime light lately and with her new album, Unapologetic releasing tomorrow, we can expect some party music similar to last years album, Talk That Talk which featured the widely popular tracks "We Found Love", "Where Have You Been", and "You da One".

It looks like Rihanna has no plans of slowing down either. The recent release of  the "Diamonds Remix" featuring Kanye West will add hype for Unapologetic. Mr. West goes in as he always does turning a decent song into a serious jam, rapping about everything from Hurricane Sandy to Tay Zonday's Chocolate Rain. This song will certainly be heard throughout the dorms after Thanksgiving Break. Enjoy!
