
Images, lyrics, and music belong to their rightful owners. They are not owned in any way by CollegeVolume.com. If for any reason you feel that your work has been copy-written or used illegally and wish to have the content removed from our site, please CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY  at Contact@CollegeVolume.com and we will remove the content promptly.

The material posted on this website is used for Promotional Purpose Only! It is our mission to support and promote any artist, musician, writer, company...etc. However, if you feel that your work has been stolen or used illegally then please contact us through email and we will promptly remove any illegal content from our site.

Please keep in mind that any malicious content or material downloaded through this site is not the at the fault of CollegeVolume.com. Most download links are through a secured third-party source, but for any reason, responsibility is not held on the owners or writers of this site.

Music should be shared and listened to by all, however artists must make a living too. When ever the option is present, please support an artist by purchasing their music/content. Most music will be posted for free as long as the owner of the original material has made the music available for free.
